Friday, December 24, 2004

the top 8 monoprix buys

so monoprix is this grocery/department store chain that is EVERYWHERE. and its quite convienent too. so i created this route, a run in and buy your food in 5 minutes route and these items shown below are definite must haves.
nutella....this penut butter chocolate creamy spread on your bread stuff is a sensation over here in Europe. They make crepes with nutella, they eat nutella and jelly sandwiches nutella nutella nutella! Posted by Hello
tomato soup!!! it comes in a box and all you have to do is pour and micro. Posted by Hello
ramen....nuf said. Posted by Hello
I drink one of these bad boys in 24 hours, usually less...its annoying cuz i always have to run to the store to buy some more. Posted by Hello
ah...the french baguette...a daily buy. Posted by Hello
microwavable dinners-I get so lazy sometimes, especially during finals week Posted by Hello
French love thier specialty chocolates. This time I tried an Irish coffee chocalate bar, it was interesting but my fav is still the orange flavored chocolate Posted by Hello
this bread is so yummy. It tastes like hawaiian bread, i think that is what it is but im not sure, but i am sure that im prolly gaining the pounds with it. Posted by Hello